Transponder return

I needed to return an EZ Pass transponder back to the PA Turnpike because it was no longer needed in one of our work vehicles. I thought I would include a little note for when they received it.



I needed to return an EZ Pass transponder back to the PA Turnpike because it was no longer needed in one of our work vehicles. I thought I would include a little note for when they received it.


To Whom It May Concern:

It’s been a great transponder. I hope it can go to the transponder retirement home where they sit around and tell stories of their fun days being mounted to the inside of a windshield. “Oh I remember that one time my adhesive got all hot in the sun. Yep we were goin’ prit near 75 mph and it was really, really, humid and sticky. Suddenly everything gave way and I came crashing down on my face right onto the dashboard. Then I slid to the front. Well the driver got all panicky and started reaching for me. Every time they turned to the right, I would slide left. They’d turn left and I would bounce right.  Gee that was funny. Back and forth for a couple miles. I sure enjoyed that. Especially in the tunnel. I’d just look at the drive and kinda smile. They didn’t even know I could. Yeah, those sure were some fun times.”



I like to think of who opened this letter and wonder if I'll ever get a reply. Transponders, there not just for breakfast anymore.